Sister Rosella Uding

Thursday, June 27, 2019, from 3-4 p.m. (family) and 4-8 p.m. (public)
Irwin Chapel, 3960 Maryville Road, Granite City, IL 62040
Resurrection Service:
Friday, June 28, 2019, at 10:00 a.m.
St. Elizabeth Church, 2300 Pontoon Road, Granite City, IL 62040
We commend to your charity the soul of our beloved
Sister Rosella Uding
Who departed this life on June 15, 2019
In the fifty-sixth year of her religious life
Age: 72 years, 2 months, 7 days
“Visibly do I see in all things the wonderful Providence of God.”
Sister Rosella Uding was born in 1947 to a loving family in rural St. Genevieve, Missouri. She was the fifth of 11 children of Raymond and Lucille Uding, and grew up sharing in all of the family activities and responsibilities with her siblings on the Uding family farm. Sister Rosella enjoyed a close relationship with all of her family throughout her entire life.
After eight years of education at St. Genevieve Catholic School, Sister Rosella was inspired by her seventh and eighth grade teacher, Sister Mary Justina, CSJ, to enter religious life. Sister Mary Justina was the aunt of two Sisters of Divine Providence, Sister Agnes Marie Geringer, CDP and former Sister Loretta Geringer, CDP. Sister Rosella explained, “Sister Mary Justina talked of religious life often, many times referring to the Sisters of Divine Providence.” In 1963, Sister Rosella entered high school as a candidate at Mt. Providence in St. Louis. The religious name given to her as a novice was Sister Mary Ronald, chosen for her youngest brother, Ronald. Four years later, Sister Rosella returned to her baptismal name, choosing Rose of Lima as her patron saint. She was affectionately known as “Rosie” by her family and all who knew her in Missouri and Illinois.
Sister Rosella was an elementary school teacher for a total of 10 years at the following schools: North American Martyrs School and Ascension School in St. Louis, St. Elizabeth School in Granite City, Illinois, and St. Mark/St. Mary School in Madison, Illinois. Always an educator at heart, she also felt drawn toward the formation of the spiritual lives of youth. She saw that ministering as a director of youth and of religious education in a parish would allow her to reach more children. Sister Rosella had obtained a Bachelor of Science in education in 1971 and a master’s degree in religious education from Seattle University in 1981. She followed her dream by ministering as the Director of Religious Education (DRE) at St. Elizabeth Church in Granite City, Illinois, from 1980-88 and as the Minister of Children and Youth at Holy Family Church in Litchfield, Illinois, from 1988-2003. After taking a sabbatical, Sister Rosella worked for a short time as DRE at St. Matthew Parish in Alton, Illinois, in 2003. She then became the administrator of the Generalate (international headquarters) of the Sisters of Divine Providence in Wakefield, Rhode Island, from 2004-07, followed by serving as vocation director from 2007-08. At the time of her death, she had been serving as DRE at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Wheeling, West Virginia, since 2009. Sister Rosella’s long terms of service in parishes evidenced her commitment to providing spiritual formation to generations of children from their earliest school days through high school and beyond. She endeared herself to families, supporting them and participating in the highs and lows of their lives.
In addition to ministry, Sister Rosella strongly valued community living. Despite living outside of the community when ministering in distant places, Sister Rosella made it a point to participate in all community gatherings and meetings. She said that one of the most rewarding aspects of community life was her participation in the CDP International Program in 1997. She exclaimed, “It opened my eyes to the world and gave me a deeper appreciation of other nationalities.”
At her 50th Jubilee celebration in religious life, Sister Rosella expressed how she endeavored to personify the charism of the Sisters of Divine Providence in her life. “I strive to embody a deep trust in and openness to the Providence of God, sharing that faith and trust in our Provident God with those to whom and with whom I minister, live and meet along life’s way. Thus, hopefully, making God’s Providence more visible in our world,” she said.
Rest in peace, dear Sister, Woman of Providence.
Birthday: April 9
Sister Hilary Hooks
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