Ana Lydia Sonera Matos, CDP

Sister Ana Lydia Sonera Matos entered religious life from La Milagrosa parish in Camuy, Puerto Rico. She credits former Sisters Nidra Torres (when she was a vocation promotor) and Evelyn Cardé (her Godmother and Confirmation sponsor), as well as having a deep desire to belong to God and to serve God’s people, with encouraging her decision to enter religious life.
In Puerto Rico, Sister Ana Lydia served as a vocation director, worked with single mothers and women survivors of domestic violence, conducted individual and group counseling and worked as the advisor of the Youth Pastoral outreach in the Dioceses of Arecibo. Since 2011, Sister Ana Lydia has served on the Provincial Leadership Team as a provincial councillor.
She finds the peace, joy, fascination of living every day as a consecrated woman of God and being the face of God's providence for individuals whom she comes in contact as the most satisfying and rewarding aspect of religious life. She says, "I have not encountered fatigue, struggles, or satisfaction that was not touched by God, who said, ‘Come, follow me, and I will be with you.'"
Self-described as faithful, hospitable and dedicated, Sister Ana Lydia enjoys walking, reading and spending time with friends.
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