Donna Tracy, CDP

Sister Donna Tracy, formerly Sister Leonard, entered religious life from St. John the Baptist in Canton, OH, which was elevated to a minor basilica—The Basilica of Saint John the Baptist—on June 19, 2012. Her parents, who provided her basic faith formation and practices in a Catholic home, influenced her decision to enter religious life. She said, "This solid religious formation was reaffirmed, reinforced and supported by The Sisters of Humility of Mary who taught me in both the elementary and secondary schools. I ‘know’ that our Provident God called me to become a Sister of Divine Providence because of the influence of my three aunts who were members of this Community."
Sister Donna's ministries include: Elementary Teacher in Pittsburgh (1959-66), Business Education Teacher in Pittsburgh (1966-77), Parish Social Ministry Coordinator at St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Parish in Braddock, PA (1977-85), Director of Good Shepherd Parish Social Ministry in Braddock, PA (1985-87), Diocese of Cleveland Parish Social Ministry Coordinator/Facilitator (1987-95), Diocese of Cleveland Older Adult Ministry Program Coordinator/Marriage & Family Office (1995-98), Providence Connections Volunteer Ministries Director (1998-2006), Providence Connections Volunteer Coordinator (2006-14) and Providence Manor Treasurer/Providence Heights Volunteer (2014-19). In 2019, Sister Donna retired and has been a caregiver for her sister who resides in North Canton, OH.
She said, "Providence Unfolding has always been part of my lifetime journey and experiences, even though I may or may not have been aware of naming all of these experiences as providential moments of my faith journey. Providence, Presence, People and Places are the four lifelines that have nurtured and energized me throughout my multi-evolving ministerial experiences and educational opportunities. As a Sister of Divine Providence, I have been and continue to be graced... 'to see in all things the wonderful Providence of God' knowing that by being present to the people, events and situations I encounter on a daily basis is 'making God’s Providence more visible in the world.' Being part of a Community enables me to respond with my Sisters and Associates of Divine Providence to the signs and needs of the times and actively engage in our Mission to help to 'co-create a world of justice, compassion and peace.' As I continue to grow and mature in my spiritual journey I know and experience the Providential Presence of a God who continues to invite ... challenge ... and penetrate my very being ... with many graced-filled moments drawing me deeper into the awesome mystery of providence, grace and love."
Self-described as relational, faithful and having integrity, Sister Donna enjoys celebrating any occasion with family, community members and friends, as well as reading, gardening, swimming and walking—especially on sandy beaches, preferably near the ocean but will settle for lake fronts.
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