Called to Love: A Charism for 21st Century Mystics and Prophets
July 2021
by Deborah Asberry | CommunityWorks, Inc.
As our human family lives into this third decade of the 21st century, I am reminiscing on two significant events of the past decade that significantly shaped my practice as a consultant. The first occurred in August of 2011. I was attending a weeklong course offered by the Cape Cod Institute. Meg Wheatley was the instructor, and she presented a theory of organizations as living social systems. She insisted that we needed new language and new frameworks for thinking about organizations and their life cycles. She spent the entire week describing what has come to be known as the two-loop framework for understanding the life cycle of organizations from a living systems perspective. [1] I was mesmerized by the content of that workshop and immediately began using the two-loops in my work as a consultant. I subsequently attended two other summer workshops facilitated by Wheatley in 2012 and 2014 where she continued to build on this framework and her thinking.[2]
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