Ann Pairn, CDP

Sister Ann Pairn entered religious life from her home parish in St. Louis. She said, "Since childhood I was drawn to the women religious I met; nurses and teachers who generously chose to help others. That was also what I was learning that Jesus did in the Gospel stories. By eighth grade, I met several Sisters of Divine Providence and it was Sister Mary John Papava who affirmed the goodness and freedom in me to choose my vocation and explore the call to religious life."
Self-described as curious, creative and adventurous, Sister Ann's ministries include serving on the Provincial Council both in St. Louis and Pittsburgh (1996–01; 07–11); as a staff nurse in area hospitals; as a chaplain and student supervisor at St. Louis University Hospital (2001–03); as a missioner for 5 years in the northern Andes Mountains of Peru; as an English teacher for 2 years in the St. Joseph Province located in South Korea; and as a home caregiver for the elderly for CSJ Care St. Louis. She was also responsible for coordinating the two moves of the provincial offices in St. Louis; the move of the Sisters’ sponsored ministry Room at the Inn; and the renovation of Providence Center. In addition, she served on the committee that coordinated the restructuring of the Congregation’s three provinces into the Marie de la Roche Province. In 2020, she was appointed the Midwest area liaison for the Congregation.
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