Bernadette Duman, CDP

Sister Bernadette Duman, formerly Sister Maximilian, entered religious life from St. Walburga parish in Pittsburgh’s East End neighborhood. She credits her very loving and prayerful mother and dad, who were great role models, supportive brothers and sisters and the Sisters of Divine Providence for encouraging and influencing her vocation.
Sister Bernie, as she is affectionately known, served as a grade school and high school teacher and associate dean of students at La Roche University in the earlier part of her ministry. She also served in nursing home administration for 20 years and was the treasurer/director of finances for the Community for 12 years serving in Pittsburgh and Kingston, MA. From 2010-2016, she served as the archivist for the Marie de la Roche Province. From 2016-2019, she was the administrator of Providence Heights. In these ministries, she strove to bring spirit, peace and organization. She was very mindful of her responsibility to have each Sister’s spiritual, medical, social and emotional needs be met with the help of the nursing staff and others who are deeply committed to the other respective needs. She also readily reached out for assistance when extra help was needed. Her ministries over the years have given her a deeper level of knowledge of administrative pros and cons related to medical information, finances and human resources. Since 2019, Sister Bernie has volunteered in the Community's Mission Advancement department.
She said, "I have always felt privileged that I had been called to this Community because of the charism of 'providence.' No matter which ministry I had been called to, the gift of 'providence' was always appropriate in helping me with people to deal with both major and minor challenges. Whether it was to help someone through a lost relationship, a death of a loved one, or dealing with a deteriorating bodily function, sharing the 'spirit of providence' always seemed to lift the person’s spirit."
Sister Bernie shares that the greatest gift that has been given to her by our loving God is the “spiritual” development over the years. She said, “Having the privilege of making a Directed Retreat for over 50 years has helped me to have a very meaningful relationship with our Provident God!”
Self-described as reflective, affectionate, compassionate and an organized person, Sister Bernie also enjoyed playing the guitar and leading many sing-a-longs, reading, sewing and crocheting.
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