Sister Anne-Margret Kohl - Emmanuel von Ketteler Province

“I will bless you, so that you will be a blessing.“ Gen.12.1
This blessing guided the life of
Sister Anne-Margret Kohl
Anne-Margret Kohl was born on April 24, 1932 inSchimbach/Odenwald.
During the night of Christmas on December 26, 2016 at 1:25 a.m., in the company of our Sisters and nurses in the infirmary in Aschaffenburg, she passed away peacefully. She lives now in God’s glory.
Already when she was 16 years old, Anne-Margret experienced the call to be a missionary. After her professional training as seamstress she entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Divine Providence on August 14, 1952. In the novitiate, she received the name Sister Maria Narcissa. Later she changed her name back to her name of baptism. Her first profession was on September 8, 1955. Until her final profession on May 1, 1961, she worked as a seamstress in our home economic school in Heinsberg.
In 1961 Sister Anne-Margret was sent to Rome to take care of the pilgrims at Villa Mater Dei. Here she received training to be a nurse. This training was in preparation to be a missionary. In December, 1966, she had the opportunity to learn English with our Sisters in Pittsburgh, USA. After 8 months of study, Sr. Anne-Margret was sent to Korea to work with the American Sisters and with our first Korean Sisters as a nurse. However, she became ill and she had to go back to Germany to recuperate. From 1969 to1975, she worked at the Marien Hospital in Darmstadt and at the Ketteler Krankenhaus in Offenbach as a nurse.
On March 24, 1976, she left Germany and was sent as a missionary to Peru to work first at the hospital in Abancay. Later she went with two Peruvian Sisters to open a community health care center in Huancarama, a village in the Andes. Because of the political situation of terrorism, she had to leave the area and was sent to Lima. Sister Anne-Margret always cared for the poor and for the forgotten. After her return to Abancay she started a new project for the most needed in this area, the physically disabled people. With the support of donations in Peru and from German donors, she could build a center for handicapped that offered work and community for people with disabilities.
In March 2013, with declining health conditions Sister Anne-Margret decided to go back to Germany and to share the last years of her life with her Sisters and family members.
We are grateful for Sister Anne-Margret, who had special love for the poor, she will be now our intercessor for the needs of our world and of our community.
Liturgy of Resurrection on Friday, December 30, 2016 in the Chapel of Aschaffenburg.
Followed by the burial at the Old Cemetery in Aschaffenburg.
Mainz-Finthen, December 27nd 2016
Sr. Clementine Fritscher
Provincial Superior