Veronica Oravec, CDP

Sister Veronica Oravec entered religious life from St. Michael’s parish in Johnstown, PA. She credits the Sisters of Divine Providence who taught her at St. Michael’s for influencing her decision to become a Sister. She says, "I made a vocation retreat at Providence Heights at the end of eighth grade and entered Providence Villa in September 1946 for two years."
During her annual retreat in 1966, Sister Veronica was moved by a desire to be a missionary. She volunteered to go to Puerto Rico, where the Sisters of Divine Providence have a mission, and was accepted for a three year assignment. She became a teacher at Colegio San Miguel in Utuado and a year later was transferred to Colegio San Felipe in Arecibo. After three years, Sister Veronica returned to the United States where she carried fond memories of her missionary experience in Puerto Rico and maintained an interest in the Sisters' work there. In June 1982, the Provincial Sister Mary Joan Coultas, asked Sister Veronica if she would like to return to Puerto Rico. She enthusiastically responded, "yes!" By August 1982, Sister Veronica was back in Puerto Rico. She spent three years as a teacher and nine years as a principal at Colegio San Felipe in Arecibo (1985-1994). She also spent one year as a teacher in Colegio Nuestra Senora del Rosario Vega Baja (1995-1996). In 1996, after 14 years in education, Sister Veronica was recruited by Sister Roberta Grzelak+ to work in the newly established social concerns office in the Diocese of Arecibo as a VISTA volunteer. Sister Veronica was later appointed the financial administrator of the office—a position she held until her retirement in 2018. She says, "I give thanks to God for the many graces and blessings I received during the time I served in Puerto Rico."
Self-described as responsible, faithful, cheerful and caring, Sister Veronica enjoys playing games with Sisters, listening to classical music and reading spiritual and historical literature. Her favorite authors are Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, Ken Follett, John Grisham, David Baldacci, Sr. Joan Chittister and Fr. Richard Rohr.
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