Spiritual Direction, Retreats and Prayer

Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is not counseling, nor is it about giving advice. A spiritual director is a skilled and compassionate listener who is trained in the art of helping another person to pay attention to the presence of God in prayer and life experiences. The Kearns staff brings excellent training and years of experience to the ministry. The ministry of spiritual direction helps you to listen to how God is at work in your life by:
- Exploring your life, prayer, and relationships
- Reverencing and enjoying your experience of God
- Listening to the deep desires of your heart
- Discerning a life direction that is in harmony with God’s dream for you
Retreats for Individuals
Individuals are welcome to come for the day or stay overnight for an individual retreat. You can bring your own prayer material or request a staff member for spiritual direction.
Private Retreats
A private retreat allows you time away from the busyness of daily life, for quiet and solitude, and to spend time with God in prayer and reflection. You provide your own material for prayer and decide your own schedule. You are welcome to join the Sisters of Divine Providence for morning liturgy and communal prayer at 8 a.m. at Providence Heights. No spiritual direction is included in a private retreat.
Directed Retreat
A directed retreat, tailored to you personally, gives you the opportunity to schedule a visit with one of the spiritual directors, whom you then will meet with each day of your retreat. Together, you listen to God’s movements within you and make suggestions for further prayer and reflection.
Centering Prayer
Practice the method of centering prayer taught by Thomas Keating.
For more information: 412-366-1124 or kearns@cdpsisters.org.