Corporate Stance on Human Trafficking

The Sisters of Divine Providence of the Marie de la Roche believe that all life is sacred and have made a Corporate Commitment to promote a Consistent Ethic of Life. Human Trafficking, a form of modern day slavery, is a worldwide problem. For this reason the Sisters of Divine Providence (confirmed by their Associates) made a Corporate Stance on Human Trafficking on August 1, 2010.
This stance means we will commit to at least the following actions:
- Educating ourselves on the issue using books, articles, workshops, DVDs
- Making timely responses and taking action such as promoting anti-trafficking legislation and patronizing hotels/businesses that sign on to The Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism (see
- Acknowledging the month of January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month and January 11 as Human Trafficking Awareness Day, particularly with a prayer service prepared by the Social Concerns Office and sent out to all areas of the Marie de la Roche province for local event(s) they may wish to have on the issue
- Encouraging Sisters and Associates around the province to collaborate with other groups in their area who are working to reduce human trafficking