Sisters of Divine Providence
La Posada Providencia Featured on NPR's Morning Edition
Congratulations to sponsored ministry La Posada Providencia on its recent appearance on National Public Radio's Morning Edition! Launched for National Catholic Sisters Week
According to the website, "SisterStory is a national campaign aimed at broadening awareness of Catholic sisters. Who are Catholic sisters? What are their lives like? What impact have they had over the course of American history? What difference do they make today? Our intention is to demystify religious life – the vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience, the experience of living in community, the desire to belong totally to God – by sharing the stories of Catholic sisters.
Pittsburgh Mayor Proclaims March 8-14, 2014, National Catholic Sisters Week in Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto has proclaimed March 8-14, 2014, National Catholic Sisters Week in the city of Pittsburgh, in conjunction with the national celebration.
Sisters in Kingston Celebrate Valentine's Day
Sisters at Providence House in Kingston, Mass., had a lovely Valentine's Day week thanks to some students from Sacred Heart School, one of our sponsored ministries.
Hand-designed cards and letters from students and classes in grades 1-6 brought smiles to many Sisters' faces, especially those who have retired from their teaching ministry at Sacred Heart. The Sisters who have retired love to see the art work and the thoughtfulness of their students.
Sister Nélida Naveros Córdova Presents at Scholarly Meeting
On February 8, 2014, Sister Nélida Naveros Córdova presented a paper at the 2014 meeting of the Midwest Society of Biblical Literature in the section of "Student Religious Studies." The meeting was at Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonnais, Ill. The topic of Sister Nélida's paper was "The City of Jerusalem as Portrayed by Luke and Philo of Alexandria." We're proud of Sister Nélida's work!
Sisters Support 2014 Empty Bowls Dinner
Sister Dolores Elizabeth Werling Celebrates 100th Birthday
On February 3, Sister Dolores Elizabeth Werling celebrated her 100th birthday with a party at Providence Heights. Sisters, staff members, family members, and friends joined the celebration, which included a delicious cake, special 100th birthday decorations, and beautiful flowers. Photos from the party are available on our Flickr photostream.
See more pictures from Sister Dolores Elizabeth Werling's 100th Birthday Celebration.
Congratulations to La Posada Providencia on a Successful Hearts & Hands Fundraiser
Congratulations to La Posada Providencia, one of our sponsored ministries, on a very successful Hands & Hearts fundraiser! The fifth annual Hands & Hearts Brunch and Auction fundraiser set a new attendance record, with more than 340 guests attending the event, held Saturday, Jan. 25, at the Cultural Arts Center of Texas State Technical College.
Read more in the article "Hands & Hearts shows us God’s Providence on Earth" on the La Posada Providencia website.
February Human Trafficking Prayer Guide
From The A21 Campaign: "Human trafficking is nothing short of evil, but don’t underestimate the power of prayer. We Believe the most powerful weapon of warfare is prayer. When we stand united, we can see God’s justice run like a river (Amos 5:24). Make a commitment to stand together with us in prayer.
World Day for Consecrated Life
Consecrated Life Week runs from January 26 thru February 2 at ministries and motherhouses in southwestern Pennsylvania. The collaborative food drive is held in conjunction with World Day for Consecreated Life, which is observed annually by the Catholic Church February 1-2.
Please read the article in the Pittsburgh Catholic.
Sisters Celebrate Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
On December 12, 2013, the Catholic Church throughout the world celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas. The feast celebrates the appearances of Mary to Juan Diego in Mexico in 1531. This is a day of special significance to Mexican Catholics and many other people of Latino hertiage. In Pittsburgh, a special celebration, including a Mass, took place at St. Paul Cathedral. Thanks to Sisters Roberta Grzelak, Ana Lydia Sonera Matos, Wendolyn López Santos, and Karina Conrad for representing our community at the liturgy.
To Light through Love
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
-Edith Wharton
Associate Marlene McClain's Journey to La Posada Providencia
La Posada Providencia serves as a temporary home and shelter for men, women, and children who flee their countries because of religious persecution, enslavement, and other life- and limb-threatening terrors. First they are sent to detention centers (jails) operated by U.S. Border Patrol. If they are determined to be authentically fleeing horrors, they are placed on a track to receiving papers and staying in the U.S. This process takes time--a day or more; a week or more.
CTNY Features CDP Vocations
Sisters Lisa Paffrath, Rose Anne Krantz and Lu Haidnick appear in the video.
Social Justice Links
The following links may provide useful information for you as you learn about current issues of social justice and Catholic Social Teaching.
Florita Rodman, CDP, to Receive Cheverus Award
We are happy to announce that Sister Florita Rodman will be one of the recipients of the Cheverus Award from the Archdiocese of Boston at a Vesper Service on November 24, the feast of Christ the King.
Stop Human Trafficking: A Prayer Litany
Human Trafficking is the movement of people with the primary purpose of forced servitude or sexual slavery. There are an estimated 27 million people held in slavery. Trafficking in women is the second largest global organized crime.
It is easy to be overwhelmed by the issue of human trafficking and think we cannot make a difference. But do not forget that each of us has at our disposal the most powerful weapon of warfare—and that is prayer, for “The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.” [James 5:16]
Litany of Gratitude for Holy Providence Women
All Associates and members of the Community were invited to submit the names of our deceased members with a special invocation for inclusion in the Litany of Gratitude for Holy Providence Women.
This Litany is a “community creation,” filled with the energy of the Spirit and the fire of our Providence Charism. We are links in the chain of God’s Providence and light. We invite Bishop Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler and Mother Marie de la Roche to intercede with us as we pray our Litany.